Suffer the Wrath – Divine Sign (Review)

suffer the wrathSuffer the Wrath explode out of the speakers like a freight train covered in barbed wire and spikes – maximum damage and no waiting.

Coming from the US they show a good grasp of USDM dynamics while also adding elements of modernity and the Polish scene into a utterly brutal package that still manages to have some time for brains and melody underneath all of that brawn. Yes ladies and gentlemen these are actually songs and not just exercises in bludgeoning.

This is well recorded and boasts a nice meaty sound that threatens to decapitate at 1000 yards. And you can even hear the bass clearly. Imagine that.

The drums are an absolute monster and almost threaten to overpower everything else, but just at the last moment everything else is kicked up a gear and the tub-thumper is forceably restrained and beaten.

The vocals are suitably savage but also have a clarity to them which is a welcome change to the usual members of the cookie-monster club.

At only 13 minutes in length this is criminally short, but as this is only an EP it is to be expected. Album time please?

One thought on “Suffer the Wrath – Divine Sign (Review)”

  1. Yeah… Is that video kind of a self-ridicule, sarcasm, irony? Or what? 🙂 Mother North knows…
    Musically it is OK. Far from something that triggers “oh shit!” moments, but OK.

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